Silver and Gold Sales at the U.S. Mint in 2015.
United States Mint Sets American Silver Eagle Sales Record in 2015.
American Silver Eagle sales record of 47,000,000 achieved despite production halt in July and restrictive allocations to Authorized Purchasers in second half of the year.
2015 American Gold Eagle sales were a modest 801,500 ounces, but strong in second half of year.
American Gold Eagle sales curtailed November 24, 2015, curbing accelerating sales.
Sales of American Gold Buffalo and American The Beautiful silver coins were second highest ever in 2015.
The U.S. Mint sold 75.02 times more American Silver Eagles than one ounce American Gold Eagles in 2015
2015 American Eagle Sales
Sales of American Silver Eagle coins set a record in 2015 of 47,000,000. Here is the 2015 monthly break down.

The U.S. Mint sold more than four million American Silver Eagles in five months of 2015.
American Silver Eagle Monthly Sales in 2015 vs. 2014
Sales of American Silver Eagle coins in 2014 set an annual record for the second year in a row, topping 2013’s sales record.
January 2015 sales of American Silver Eagles were over five million and February’s were over three million. It looked like another sale record was shaping up in 2015, but sales from March through May were relatively weak and it seemed the 2014 record would survive.
After a weak spring, sales accelerated. Sales of American Siver Eagles in each of June, July and August topped well over four million. Sales of American Silver Eagles in September and October were close to four million despite increasing restrictions on allocations by the U.S. Mint to its Authorized Purchasers.
During October, sales and retail and wholesale premiums on American Silver Eagles fell as the shortages of silver that bullion dealers experienced on virtually all retail silver products during August and September abated.
November sales rebounded to over four million again and set a November monthly record of 4,824,000 surpassing the 2010 November record of 4,260,000. December sales were a respectible 2,333,500 and added cushion to the annual sales record already set during the month of November.
For detailed monthly breakdown of sales of American Silver Eagles in 2015 click here.

The 2015 American Silver Eagle sales record was set on the strength of exceptionally high summer sales.
Sales of American Silver Eagles 1986 – 2015
Sales of American Silver Eagles set a record for the third year in a row. As you can see from the chart below, sales of American Silver Eagle coins accelerated after the financial crisis of 2008/09. The U.S. Mint has sold 290,304,500 American Silver Eagles since 2008, or 65% of all silver eagles sold since 1986.

The U.S. Mint has sold nearly 450 million American Silver Eagles since 1986.
Total sales of American Silver Eagle coins from 1986 through 2015 are 448,629,015, an impressive number, but far less than the nearly 550 million ounces of silver the U.S. Mint used to produced 1964 dated 90% silver dimes, quarters and half dollars for everyday use.

Sales of American Silver Eagles are dwarved by the U.S. Mint’s production of 1964 dated silver coins.
While American Silver Eagle sales are dwarfed by 1964 U.S. Mint number, sales of silver eagles and other silver coins and bars now consitute nearly 25% of silver demand up from about 5% ten years ago.

Industrial silver demand as a percentage of overall demand has fallen from 70% in 2006 to about 50% in 2015, while demand for silver coins and bars has risen from 5% to 25% in 2015.
Click here for a full 2015 silver supply and demand report.
In 2016, the U.S. Mint plans to make a thirtieth anniversary version of the American Silver Eagle coin. You can order yours here.
2015 Retail and Wholesale Premiums on American Silver Eagle Coins
We began tracking American Silver Eagle premiums just as they began their ascent in early June.

American Silver Eagle premiums hit 50% in September 2015.
You can track updated American silver and gold eagle premiums here.
Compare American Silver Eagles for sale at:
Golden Eagle Coins
JM Bullion
Money Metals Exchange
December 2015 American Silver Eagle Sales at the U.S. Mint
The U.S. Mint Sold 2,335,500 American Silver Eagles in December 2015
In December 2015, the U.S. Mint sold 2,335,500 one ounce American Silver Eagles, down 48% from 4,824,000 sold in November 2015 and down 5% from 2,459,000 American Silver Eagles sold in December 2014.
The U.S. Mint stopped sales of American Silver Eagles on December 16, 2015.
2015 American Gold Eagle Sales
Sales of one ounce American Gold Eagle coins were 626,500. Total sales of American Gold Eagle coins including one quarter, one half and one tenth ounce coins were 801,500 ounces. Sales of American Gold Eagles were weak in the first half of 2015. In June sales spiked and spiked further in July. Sales were strong in the second half of the year. NO sales were made in December 2015.
Here is the 2015 monthly break down of sales of American Gold Eagles.

Sales of American Gold Eagle coins were strong in the second half of the year after weak sales in the first half.
Sales of one ounce American Gold Eagles 1986 – 2015
The U.S. Mint has sold 17,736,000 million one ounce American Gold Eagle coins since 1986. Sales topped one million in 1998 and 1999 and again in 2009 and 2010. Since 2011, the U.S. Mint has sold proportionally greater amounts of silver eagles to gold eagles.

The U.S. Mint has sold over 17 million one ounce American Gold Eagle since 1986.
Sales of 1/10 ounce American Gold Eagle coins in 2015
In 2015, the one tenth ounce American Gold Eagle coin saw a resurgence of interest. Nearly one million one tenth ounce American Gold Eagle coins were sold in 2015 up 73% from 2014.
In September 2015, the US Mint set a September one tenth ounce American Gold Eagle sales record..

Sales of one tenth ounce American Gold Eagle coins surged in 2015 to 980,000.
Sales of one tenth ounce American Gold Eagle coins 1986-2015
Sales of one tenth ounce American Gold Eagle coins in 2015 were the third highest ever since 1986.

Sales of one tenth ounce American Gold Eagle coins were just shy of one million in 2015.
2015 Retail and Wholesale Premiums on American Gold Eagle Coins
Premiums on American Gold Eagle coins were stable all year until the U.S. Mint announced that they were curtailing production in the third week of November. Premiums rose to over 6 percent soon after the announcement.

American Gold Eagle premiums were between four and six percent in 2015.
You can compare pricing and shipping charges on American Gold Eagles coins of all sizes at these web sites:
Golden Eagle Coins
JM Bullion
Money Metals Exchange
The Gold Silver Ratio 2015
Chart showing how many ounces of silver it takes to buy one ounce of gold:
December 2014 – December 2015 Gold Silver Ratio

The Gold Silver Ratio during 2015 was over 70 to 1 for almost all of the year.

The gold silver ratio illustrated with seven American Silver Eagle coins, two 1/10 ounce silver rounds and one 1/10 American Gold Eagle coin
Click here for the live gold silver ratio and for historic gold silver ratio charts.
The Silver to Gold Sales Ratio
The 2015 Silver To Gold Sales Ratio: 75.02 to 1
The 2014 Silver to Gold Sales Ratio: 105.91 to 1
We measure the silver to gold sales ratio by the sales of physical gold bullion vs. sales of physical silver bullion at the U.S. Mint. We track the sales of one ounce American Gold Eagles vs. one ounce American Silver Eagles.
Here is a chart from 2008-2015 showing the ratio of American Silver Eagle coins sold compared to American Gold Eagle coins sold.

The surge in sales of American Silver Eagles at the US Mint has sent the silver to gold sales ratio higher in recent years
American Silver Eagles out sold one ounce American Gold Eagles 72 to one in 2015, down from 106 to one in 2014.
The silver to gold sales ratio fell in 2015 from 2014. No sales of one ounce American Gold Eagles were made in December 2015.
2015 American Gold Buffalo coin sales
The U.S. Mint began selling 24K American Gold Buffalo coins in 2006. (the American Gold Eagle coins are 22K)
Sales of American Gold Buffalo coins in 2015
In 2015, the U.S. Mint sold 220,500 American Gold Buffalo coins. 2015 sales were the third largest amount since 2006. Sales in the second half of 2015 were higher than in the first half.
Sales of American Gold Buffalo coins peaked in November 2015.
Sales of American Gold Buffalo coins 2006 – 2015
The U.S Mint has sold 2,015,000 one ounce American Gold Buffalo coins since 2006.

The 24K American Gold Buffalo coins have consistently undersold their U.S. Mint counterparts, the 22K American Gold Eagle coins.
America The Beautiful Update
Sales of America the Beautiful (ATB) five ounce silver coins were the strongest since 2011. All ATB coins in the 2015 series sold out soon after their release.
The U.S. Mint has sold 45,000 Saratoga National Historical Park, 45,000 Bombay Hook National Wild Life Refuge coins, 45,000 Blue Ridge Parkway coins, 42,000 Kistachie National Forest and 35,000 Homestead National Monument of American coins in 2015 for a total of 212,000 coins or 1,060,000 ounces of silver.
In 2014, the U.S. Mint sold 135,300 American the Beautiful silver five ounce coins for a total of 676,500 ounces sold.
In 2013, the U.S. Mint sold 160,000 silver America the Beautiful five ounce coins for a total of 800,000 ounces sold.

The U.S. Mint sold 212,000 five ounce America the Beautiful coins in 2015.
On December 31, 2015 at 9:15 PM EST:
Silver was $13.82 per ounce
SIlver Price Average in December $140.5
Silver Price Average in November $14.50
Silver Price Average in October $15.71
Silver Price Average in September $14.79
Silver Price Average in August $14.94
Silver Price Average in July $15.07
Silver Price Average in June $16.09
Silver Price Average in May $16.80
Silver Price Average in April $16.61
Silver Price Average in March:$16.22
Silver Price Average in February: $16.84
Silver Price Average in January: $17.09
Silver Price Average in 2013: $23.79
Silver Price Average in 2014: $20.05
Silver Price Average in 2015: $15.68
Gold was $1061.00 per ounce
Gold Price Average in December $1068.25
Gold Price Average in November $1083.24
Gold Price Average in October $1159.25
Gold Price Average in Sepember $1124.53
Gold Price Average in August $1117.47
Gold Price Average in July $1130.04
Gold Price Average in June $1181.50
Gold Price Average in May $1199.05
Gold Price Average in April $1213.05
Gold Price Average in March:$1178.63
Gold Price Average in February: $1227.19
Gold Price Average in January: $1251.85
Gold Price Average in 2013: $1412.05
Gold Price Average in 2014: $1290.70
Gold Price Average in 2015 $1160.06
Sources: Kitco and United States Mint
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