Sales of U.S. Mint One Tenth Ounce American Gold Eagle Coins Head for September Record.
Lower gold price drives surge in smaller American Gold Eagle coin demand.
Premiums on 1/10 ounce American Gold Eagles are less than half those on American Silver Eagle coins.
In July we noted the surge in 1/10 ounce American Gold Eagle coin sales. This surge has continued and accelerated. Through September 15, 2015, the US Mint has sold 105,000 one tenth ounce American Gold Eagle coins, on pace to sell over 200,000 in September.
The all time September sales record for 1/10 ounce American Gold Eagle coins is 190,000 set in 1998.
September 1987-2015 Sales of One Tenth Ounce American Gold Eagle Coins
Update September 30, 2015
The dramatic increase in sales of one tenth ounce American Gold Eagle coins began at the end of June when American Silver Eagle premiums began to rise. September is pacing to achieve the highest sales of the year and perhaps the highest of any month in the coin’s history.
2015 Sales of One Tenth Ounce American Gold Eagle Coins
Update: September 30, 2015
One tenth ounce American Gold Eagle coins had fallen out of favor the past few years. More one ounce American Gold Eagle coins than one tenth ounce American Gold Eagles were sold from 2008-2013 (5,582,500 vs. 2,150,000).
Since 2014, that trend has reversed with 1,325,000 one tenth ounce American Gold Eagle sold vs. 906,000 one ounce American Gold Eagles sold from January 2014 through September 15, 2015.
Annual Sales of One Ounce and One Tenth Ounce American Gold Eagle Coins
Update September 30, 2015
While the increase in sales of one tenth ounce American Gold Eagle coins is impressive, it it not significant in total ounces of gold sold. The increase does, however, indicates the small retail investor is getting interested in gold.
You can compare 1/10 ounce American Gold Eagle coins pricing and shipping at these websites:
Golden Eagle Coins
JM Bullion
Money Metals Exchange