Rothschild Investment Corporation Buys Bitcoin

Rothschilds Entity Buys Shares in Bitcoin Investment Trust.

Bitcoin Options Exchange Wins Approval From CFTC.

House Judiciary Demands Special Counsel To Investigate the Lynch Mob.

SEC Warns Securities Laws May Apply to Initial Coin Offerings.

Chinese Gold Demand Soars.

The Lowest Cost. Period.

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Video Commentary to “Rothschild Investment Corporation Buys Bitcoin”

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Top Story of the week: Republicans request investigation into Former AG Loretta Lynch, Former FBI Director James Comey & Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Letter
The letter notes that there is a special counsel now investigating the “Russian connection” when there is little or no evidence to suggest there was collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian. The letter requests the Attorny General and Assitant Attorney General to restore public confidence by appointing a special counsel to investigate:

1. Then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch directing Mr. Comey to mislead the American people on the nature of the Clinton investigation;2. The shadow cast over our system of justice concerning Secretary Clinton and her involvement in mishandling classified information;3. FBI and DOJ’s investigative decisions related to former Secretary Clinton’s email investigation, including the propriety and consequence of immunity deals given to potential Clinton co-conspirators Cheryl Mills, Heather Samuelson, John Bentel and possibly others;4. The apparent failure of DOJ to empanel a grand jury to investigate allegations of mishandling of classified information by Hillary Clinton and her associates;5. The Department of State and its employees’ involvement in determining which communications of Secretary Clinton’s and her associates to turn over for public scrutiny;6. WikiLeaks disclosures concerning the Clinton Foundation and its potentially unlawful international dealings;7. Connections between the Clinton campaign, or the Clinton Foundation, and foreign entities, including those from Russia and Ukraine;
8. Mr. Comey’s knowledge of the purchase of Uranium One by the company Rosatom, whether the approval of the sale was connected to any donations made to the Clinton Foundation, and what role Secretary Clinton played in the approval of that sale that had national security ramifications;9. Disclosures arising from unlawful access to the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) computer systems, including inappropriate collusion between the DNC and the Clinton campaign to undermine Senator Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign;10. Post-election accusations by the President that he was wiretapped by the previous Administration, and whether Mr. Comey and Ms. Lynch had any knowledge of efforts made by any federal agency to unlawfully monitor communications of then-candidate Trump or his associates;11. Selected leaks of classified information related to the unmasking of U.S. person identities incidentally collected upon by the intelligence community, including an assessment of whether anyone in the Obama Administration, including Mr. Comey, Ms. Lynch, Ms. Susan Rice, Ms. Samantha Power, or others, had any knowledge about the “unmasking” of individuals on then candidate-Trump’s campaign team, transition team, or both;12. Admitted leaks by Mr. Comey to Columbia University law professor, Daniel Richman, regarding conversations between Mr. Comey and President Trump, how the leaked information was purposefully released to lead to the appointment of a special counsel, and whether any classified information was included in the now infamous “Comey memos”;13. Mr. Comey’s and the FBI’s apparent reliance on “Fusion GPS” in its investigation of the Trump campaign, including the company’s creation of a “dossier” of information about Mr. Trump, that dossier’s commission and dissemination in the months before and after the 2016 election, whether the FBI paid anyone connected to the dossier, and the intelligence sources of Fusion GPS or any person or company working for Fusion GPS and its affiliates; and 14. Any and all potential leaks originated by Mr. Comey and provide to author Michael Schmidt dating back to 1993.

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Gold and silver.

Gold closed last week at $1254.40 an ounce and closed this week at $1269.10 +1.2 %

Silver closed last week at $16.50 an ounce and closed this week at $16.74 1.5%

The gold and silver ratio ended the week at 75.86:1

gold silver ratio July 28 2017

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Tweets of the Week
The Fed

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Here are the stories we wrote, followed or commented on.

July 23, 2017

Why is there so much hype surrounding Blockchain?

Rothschild Inv. Corp Invests in BTC Per SEC

h/t Brian Cohen @inthepixels

Link To Rothschilds Investment Corp. SEC filing

Bitcoin Investment Trust (GBTC)
BUT says the NY Times in 1995- The American Rothschilds are not related to European Rothschilds

Rothschild Investment Corportion was founded in 1908

From The Rothschilds Asset Management

“We are a business unit of Rothschild & Co, a global financial services organization founded in the 18th century.”

Further info on Rothschilds & Co ties them to the European family – “financial holding company listed on Euronext Paris and controlled by the French and English branch of the Rothschild family.”

According to their most recent filing they hold no interest in Bitcoin
but they do list gold mining companies Barrick Gold, Newmont Mining and Goldcorp

July 24, 2017



Bitcoin Options Exchange Wins Approval From CFTC


New good delivery norms for gold: BIS wants independent monitoring body

US Economic Data

US Mfg PMI Markit: 53.2, Exp. 52.2
Existing Home Sales 5.52MM, Exp. 5.57MM

US Mint Sales Update

U.S. Mint reported selling 185,000 American Silver Eagles and 500 American Gold Eagles today.

MTD American Silver Eagles sold 2,220,000 & American Gold Eagles sold 11,500
YTD American Silver Eagles sold 14,453,500/American Gold Eagles sold 153,500

You can compare pricing and shipping charges on American Gold Eagles coins of all sizes at these web sites:
Golden Eagle Coins
SD Bullion
Money Metals Exchange

Buy American Gold Eagle Coins

The U.S. Mint reported selling 500 American Gold Buffalo coins.

MTD 3,500 sold

YTD 69,500 sold

Buy 90 Percent Junk Silver US Coins

The U.S. Mint sold 0 of the first America the Beautiful Coin of 2017 today – the Effigy Mounds National Monument coin. YTD Effigy Mounds ATB coins 35,000. The US Mint sold 0 Frederick Douglas National Historical Site ATB coins and 0 of the Ozark National Scenic Riverways.

Total YTD ATB coin sales 35,000 Effigy Mounds National Monument coins, 20,000 Frederick Douglas National Historical Site and 20,000 Ozark National Scenic Riverways ATB coins. Total 75,000

Check out ATB mintages

July 25, 2017





China H1 2017 Silver imports climb to highest level in nearly seven years

US Economic Data

Conf Board Consumer Confidence July 121.1, Exp. 116

Case-Shiller 20-city index +5.69%, Exp. +5.75%

July 26, 2017




India relaxes rules of Gold Bond Scheme to attract more investors

Why is Gold yellow? Spoiler alert: it’s got to do with Einstein’s Theory of Relativity

Fresnillo Gold(+3%)/Silver (+12%) production rises So much for the declining production SKYROCKETING DEMAND Story

US Economic Data
New Home Sales 610K, Exp. 615K

July 27, 2017


Britain to scrap Libor rate benchmark from end-2021

India trade ministry has recommended reduction in gold import duty – joint secy

US Economic Data

Durable Goods 6.5%, Exp. 3.9%
Initial Claims 244K, Exp. 240K
Non-defense capital goods orders ex air -0.1%, Exp. +0.3%

July 27, the GDPNow model forecast for real GDP growth in Q2 2017 is 2.8%

July 28, 2017



India’s falling trade deficit opens space to reduce gold import tax: govt official

India gold discount widens to max in seven months; higher prices hurt demand

Mining Giants Post Red-Hot Results in Lukewarm Gold Market

Chinese Demand for Gold Bars Climbs by Half on Hunt for Havens

Bars first half of 2017 158.40 metric tons 4,919,064 ounces
Jewlery 330.8 tons 10,635,467 ounces
Total 545.2 tons 17,528,587 ounces

BUT PBOC lists just 1842 tons of gold on its balance sheet.

Gauntlet Thrown: House Judiciary Demands Special Counsel To Investigate Comey, Lynch, And Clinton

Belt and Road Initiative beneficial to RMB internationalization: report

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You can compare pricing and shipping charges on American Gold Eagles coins of all sizes at these web sites:

Golden Eagle Coins
SD Bullion
Money Metals Exchange

Check out ATB mintages

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Buy 90 Percent Junk Silver US Coins

Compare American Silver Eagles for sale at:
Golden Eagle Coins
SD Bullion
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