World’s Largest Silver Mining Country Shows 4.2% Increase in Silver Mining Production in 2015.
Earlier this year we reported that the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) estimated global silver production and Mexican silver mining production grew in 2015. The USGS projected that global silver mining production grew about 2% and that silver mining production in Mexico, the world’s largest silver mining country, grew about 8% in 2015.
We also noted that the Silver Institute projected that global silver mining production grew in 2015.
Earlier this week, we reported that investment bank Société Générale projected silver mining production would fall for the “1st time in over decade“. Societe General showed a increase in global silver mining production in 2015 over 2014, but projected a decline in silver mining production of 9.2% in 2016 and a 13% fall in 2017 vs. silver mining production in 2015.
2015 Mexican Government Silver Production Numbers
According to the Mexican Geological Service’s “Value and Volume Production of Silver” report issued by the Mexican Government, silver mining production in 2015 grew 4.2 percent in 2015 vs. 2014.
The Mexican Government’s numbers square with the primary Mexican Silver Miners’ reports that shows year over year and/or record silver mining prodution in 2015.
In 2015, many Mexican primary silver miners achieved record results including:
Pan American Silver Reports Record Silver Production in 2015
Great Panther Reports Record 2015 silver mining production up 25% over 2014
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