Gold Exchange Traded Funds Holdings
Much of Western Gold Demand is Met by Gold ETFs
Gold held in Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) dropped dramatically from early 2013 -2016.
Gold holdings in the worlds’ largest gold ETF, SPDR Gold Shares (GLD) were cut in half since 2013.
Gold holdings in the second largest ETF, iShares Gold Trust (IAU) have fallen more than 20% during the same period.
Gold ETF Holdings surged in the beginning of 2016, then fell during the year.
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Gold ETF Holdings
(updated daily)
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You can compare pricing and shipping charges on American Gold Eagles coins of all sizes at these web sites:
Golden Eagle Coins
JM Bullion
Money Metals Exchange
Updated November 1, 2015
(Compare Silver ETF holdings)
SPDR Gold Shares (GLD) Gold Holdings
The largest gold ETF, World Gold Council* sponsored SPDR Gold Shares (GLD) for which HSBC acts as custodian experienced a loss of about half of its gold during the past two and half years.
iShares Gold Trust (IAU) Gold Holdings
Blackrock’s iShares Gold Trust (IAU) has lost more than 20% of its gold holdings since January 2013.