I Hope and Don’t Believe There Will be Another Financial Crisis in Our Lifetimes

Fed Chair Janet Yellen Expresses Hope and Belief there will be no Financial Crisis.

Yellen echoes other “timely’ predictions: “Peace in our time” “This time is different” and “A record to stand for all time”.

Trump Goes on a Media Bashing Spree.

Gold posts first monthly loss this year.

Gold sales at U.S. Mint drop further while Indian and Chinese demand remains strong.

Cryptocurrencies have another volatile week.

The Lowest Cost. Period.

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Video Commentary to “I Hope and Don’t Believe There Will be Another Financial Crisis in Our Lifetimes”

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Trump vs the Media

Top stories: President Trump emboldened by hidden camera interviews by Project Veritas with a CNN commentator and producers (Russian Narrative is BS, Van Jones Russian Story is a Nothing Burger” and 90% of CNN thinks Trump is crazy) that express doubt over the Trump/Russian narrative, launches attack on CNN labelling them Fraudulent News.

The President also labeled morning talk show hosts Mika Brzezinski, “Low IQ Mika” (later called her “dumb as a rock Mika”) and and Joe Scarborough, “Psycho Joe.” (who recently released an anti-trump music video entitled “Mystified“)

The House passed Kate’s Law and the Supreme Court partially upheld the President’s travel ban.


are laws “President specific”
are non US citizens with no nexus to the United States other than a desire to enter, afforded the protections of the US Constitution.


Yellen yacks and predicts at the British Academy:

Would I say there will never ever be another financial crisis, probably that would be going to far, I do think we are much safer and I hope that it won’t be in our lifetimes and don’t beleive it will be.

“My good friends, for the second time in our history, a British Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time…Go home and get a nice quiet sleep.” Neville Chamberlain, Prime Minister of Great Britain, September 30, 1938 on the eve of World War II.

Define financial crisis- market based where central bank intervene heavily and perhaps can intervene even more if necessary?

The Man Who Saved Us From the Biggest War of All – Neville Chamberlain

Charts of the Week

American Gold Buffalo sales by month 2016 vs 2017 through June

Bitcoin Litecoin Ratio January 2016 June 2017

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Gold and silver.

Gold closed last week at $1256.60 an ounce and closed this week at $1241.20 -1.2%

Silver closed last week at $16.68 an ounce and closed this week at $16.70 unchanged

The gold and silver ratio ended the week at 74.73:1

gold silver ratio June 30 2017

Gold silver ratio five year chart June 30 2017

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Tweets of the Week

Another gold (and silver) slam down on Monday June 26.


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Here are the stories we wrote, followed or commented on.

June 26, 2017


Gold Plunges After 1.8 Million Ounces Were Traded in One Minute

U.S. Mint Sales Update

U.S. Mint reported selling 205,000 American Silver Eagles and 500 American Gold Eagles today.

MTD American Silver Eagles sold 911,000 & American Gold Eagles sold 3,500
YTD American Silver Eagles sold 12,158,500/American Gold Eagles sold 140,500

Buy American Gold Eagle Coins

The U.S. Mint reported selling 500 American Gold Buffalo coins.

MTD 1,500 sold

YTD 65,500 sold

Buy 90 Percent Junk Silver US Coins

The U.S. Mint sold 0 of the first America the Beautiful Coin of 2017 today – the Effigy Mounds National Monument coin. YTD Effigy Mounds ATB coins 35,000. The US Mint sold 0 Frederick Douglas National Historical Site ATB coins and 0 of the Ozark National Scenic Riverways.

Total YTD ATB coin sales 35,000 Effigy Mounds National Monument coins, 20,000 Frederick Douglas National Historical Site and 20,000 Ozark National Scenic Riverways ATB coins. Total 75,000

Check out ATB mintages

June 27, 2017


Gold Jump Sees Talk of Fat Finger’s Return

Purchase of 815,000 ounces after 1.8 million-ounce sale Monday

Project veritas – CNN producer Russian story is BS

Fed Chatter

Fed’s Williams sees advanced economies stuck in low growth mode



US Economic Data

Consumer Confidence 118.9, Exp. 117.6

Case Shiller April 5.7% Y/Y, Exp. 5.9%, Last 5.9%


World Economic Forum

Click to access WEF_Realizing_Potential_Blockchain.pdf

June 28, 2017

From Smaulgld.com

Project veritas – Van Jones Russia is a nothing burger


President Trump: Replace The Dollar With Gold As The Global Currency To Make America Great Again

Russian Bank Dangles Karat of Gold Sales to Chinese Lenders

US Economic Data

Retail Inventories rose 0.6% in May

US Advance Trade Goods Deficit May $65.9BN, Exp. $66.2BN, Last $67.55BN
Pending Home Sales -0.8%, Exp. 0.8%, Last -1.7%

June 29, 2017

From Smaulgld.com


India’s Paytm sees 100% month-on-month growth in gold purchases

Rare gold coin on repose technique unearthed in Chhattisgarh

Gabriel Seeks $4.4 Billion After Decades Wait for Romanian Gold

US Economic Data

Q1 GDP final revision: 1.4%, Exp. 1.2%

Claims 244K, Exp. 240K, Last 242K

Corporate Profits -2.7%, Last -2.5%

June 30, 2017

From Smaulgld.com


China to continue to pile on debt -expects stable increase in foreign debt – People’s Daily Online


HKEX set to launch ‘physically delivered’ gold futures in Hong Kong and London

Russia’s Polyus gold company returns to London, UK investors take half of share offer

US Economic Data

UMich 95.1, Exp. 94.5, Last 94.5

Chicago PMI 65.7, Exp. 58.0

Personal Income 0.4% Exp. 0.3%
Personal Spending 0.1%, Exp. 0.1%

U.S. Mint Sales Update

U.S. Mint reported selling 75,000 American Silver Eagles and 500 American Gold Eagles today.

MTD American Silver Eagles sold 986,000 & American Gold Eagles sold 4,000
YTD American Silver Eagles sold 12,233,500/American Gold Eagles sold 141,000

Buy American Gold Eagle Coins

The U.S. Mint reported selling 500 American Gold Buffalo coins.

MTD 2,000 sld

YTD 66,000 sold

Buy 90 Percent Junk Silver US Coins

The U.S. Mint sold 0 of the first America the Beautiful Coin of 2017 today – the Effigy Mounds National Monument coin. YTD Effigy Mounds ATB coins 35,000. The US Mint sold 0 Frederick Douglas National Historical Site ATB coins and 0 of the Ozark National Scenic Riverways.

Total YTD ATB coin sales 35,000 Effigy Mounds National Monument coins, 20,000 Frederick Douglas National Historical Site and 20,000 Ozark National Scenic Riverways ATB coins. Total 75,000

Check out ATB mintages

July 1, 2017



July 2, 2017

Is gold backed by anything?

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Buy 90 Percent Junk Silver US Coins

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Compare American Silver Eagles for sale at:

Golden Eagle Coins
SD Bullion
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Buy American Gold Eagle Coins

You can compare pricing and shipping charges on American Gold Eagles coins of all sizes at these web sites:

Golden Eagle Coins
SD Bullion
Money Metals Exchange

Check out ATB mintages

Buy American Gold Eagle Coins

Buy 90 Percent Junk Silver US Coins

Compare American Silver Eagles for sale at:

Golden Eagle Coins
SD Bullion
Money Metals Exchange

Buy American Silver Eagle Coins

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