Modern Mining Techniques May Revive 150 Year Old New Zealand Mining Site
Rising Gold Prices Revive Interest in Gold Mining
Canvastown in Marlborough, New Zealand Set For Second Gold Rush?
Gold was first discovered in Canvastown in 1864. Cavanstown is located on the north end of New Zealand’s South Island. For a brief two to three year period, Canvastown experienced the rapid gold rush town growth. Thousands of people flocked to the area of Canvastown soon after gold was discovered to stake claims or to service the growing population that would need to be fed, supplied with housing, mining tools and entertainment. Hundreds of tents sprung up quickly in Canvastown and the surrounding Wakamarina Valley.
According to Wikipedia, Canvastown’s population at the height of the gold rush was about 6,000 people After the surface gold was quickly depleted, most of the newly arrived inhabitants left Canvastown.
A New Zealand company Elect Mining, is in the process of obtaining the necessary consents to recommence gold mining in the Canvastown. Elect Mining believes they can gross $7 million from the gold deposits in and around Canvastown.
Read more about the plans to bring a mining boom back to historic Canvastown, New Zealand.
Further Reading on Gold Mining Towns
Dramatic Increase in Gold Pan Handling In Brazilian Town
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