Indian Silver Imports Spiked 152% in September.
Indian silver imports were 566.778 tons (18,222,336 ounces) in September.
September 2017 Indian silver imports were up 152% from 225 tons in September 2016.
September silver imports were up 14.4% from 495.56 tons imported in August.
Indian Imports of 4,035 tons of silver in the first nine months of the year equaled approximately 129,728,264 ounces.
The U.S. Mint through October 30, sold 16,938,500 one ounce American Silver Eagle coins.
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Indian Silver Imports in May Were Highest Since 2009
Indian silver demand has increased exponentially over the past ten years. India, however, has historically been known as a nation with a penchant for gold. Indeed, India has gold giving holidays as the yellow metal is revered for its beauty and as a store of generational wealth. Yet, the Indian government has placed import duties on gold, added a sales tax and initiated a gold monetization scheme designed to get Indians to turn in their gold to in exchange for interest bearing bonds.
While the Indian government’s anti-gold initiatives have dented official gold demand in India, black market sales and imports continue. Silver has been a direct beneficiary of the campaign against gold. Indians prize silver for its beauty and also give it as gifts. It’s not substitute for gold, but it is viewed favorably.
Monthly Indian Silver Imports September 2016 – September 2017
Monthly Indian Silver Imports August 2014 – September 2017
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Annual Indian Silver Imports 1999 – 2017
China imported 1,984 tons of silver (63,787,082 ounces) in the first half of the year +37% more than the first half of last year and the highest silver imports in seven years.
India and China imported about 150 million ounces of silver in the first half of 2017. At the current pace, they will import 300 of the approximately 850 million ounces of silver mined annually.
China itself mines about 100-110 million ounces of silver a year.
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Indian Silver Imports vs. American Silver Eagle Coin Sales
*According to the Silver Institute, global silver mining production increased 2.1% in 2015. Their findings mirror the reports of Societe Generale, the CPM Group, Statistica , the Peruvian and the Mexican governments that indicated that silver mining production increased in 2015. According to the Silver Institute global silver mining production declined 0.6% in 2016. According to the USGS golbal silver mining production grew approximately 1% in 2016.
The Indian silver charts are derived from data pulled from the Indian Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. of India by Nick Laird of GoldChartsrus and are updated monthly and archived on
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