The New Petro Dollar – Backed by U.S. Oil

U.S. Oil Production and Exports Surge. Gold and silver take a hit on robust jobs report. US Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross – multi polar world. U.S. to attack Venezuela? South Korea no plan to ban cryptocurrency exchanges. South Korea’s Samsung enters crypto mining market. India to Eliminate Cryptocurrencies – Not really. China – no Read More →

Why Saudi Arabia Matters in Helping to Keep the U.S. Dollar as the World’s Reserve Currency

Saudi Arabia and the Petro Dollar How the U.S. dollar obtained the world’s reserve currency status, how it abused it , how it retained it and how it might lose it. Update April 15, 2016: Saudi Arabia Threatens to Dump U.S. Treasury Bonds if 9/11 bill passes in U.S. Congress UPDATE February 2018 – The Read More →