How JP Morgan and HSBC Control Vast Amounts of Physical Gold and Silver

JPmorgan silver June 22 2018

J.P. Morgan Chase and HSBC control vast amounts of gold and silver via holdings in their COMEX warehouses and ETF custodial arrangements. J.P. Morgan is the largest COMEX hoarder of silver and custodian of the largest silver ETF. HSBC is the largest COMEX hoarder of gold and custodian of the largest gold ETF. How much Read More →

JP Morgan’s Silver

jp morgan silver stocks

JP Morgan and Silver. JP Morgan has added about 50 million ounces of silver to its COMEX approved depository stock pile since 2011. JP Morgan’s increase in its holdings coincides with large decreases in the silver stock piles of bullion banks HSBC and Scotia Moccata. Does JP Morgan’s accumulation of silver mean they are trying Read More →