The End of the Recovery Podcast Summary Ryan discusses the the Syrian situation and its impact on interest rates. Ryan reviews the ADP payroll numbers and the initial jobless claims and notes that they were not too good but the market thinks they were not bad enough to cause the Fed not to taper its … Read More →
Economic Recovery Addicts Since the beginning of the Great Recession, dating back to the “green shoots” days of early 2009 and recovery summer of 2010, there has been a crowd of analysts, journalists and pundits searching for signs of an economic recovery. One group of analysts sifts through the data and determines most of it … Read More →
“To print or note to print that is the question;-Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of economic misfortune, or to print volumes against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them?” Imaginary ruminations of Ben Bernanke Last week was a bad week for Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke. The … Read More →
Since the beginning of the year the Fed has been talking about cutting back on its quantitative easing (“QE”) program that has been in effect for nearly five years. That talk has been increasing in recent months. QE involves creating money out of thin air in order to purchase US Treasuries and Mortgage Backed Securities … Read More →
The Fed Starts Talking About its Exit From QE
The Fed Talks About Ending QE Here they go again! Outgoing Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, Incoming Fed Chair Janet Yellen, and a few regional Fed Presidents have been making the rounds explaining their recent decision to taper quantitative easing (QE) – the Fed’s $85 billion a month bond buying program. The theme from the … Read More →
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